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What are you working on right now?
My debut novel 'Meant to Be' is out now, as well as my next release 'Die for You' . Both are published by Penguin Random House Australia. I'm currently working on the sequel to 'Die for You' as well as a fun, sports romance!
Where can I purchase your books?
As I am published in Australia/NZ - you can find my books anywhere that sells books:
Big W,
Harry Hartog booksellers and
Target (Australia only)
For international readers, if Amazon says unavailable for you, these are stores you can purchase from in Australia that will ship internationally: Readings, Abbeys, Harry Hart and Gleebooks.
Where can I buy signed copies?
I am still working on this but at the moment, signed copies are only for sale in stores that I can get to and sign them. More news on this hopefully soon!
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